Who’s Who in Jordan’s Information & Communication Technology (ICT) 2015, first published in 1998, which is also part of a portal to serve the local ICT industry, called JordanICT.com.
Who's Who in Jordan's ICT includes profiles of fifty five of Jordan’s leading information technology and telecommunications companies; presented in a unique format that includes facts about the company, its profile text, clients and major projects, partners/ products/brands plus names and photos of its key staff members.
This publication is the sole directory of its kind in Jordan and is supported by the Jordan Information Technology Association (int@j). Jordan’s ICT Sector has grown over the years and is now widely considered to be a model for public-private sector partnership. It is a hot-bed that nurtures tech exports to the region and worldwide.
The education levels and local skill-sets mean that Jordan is also a leading exporter of technology workers. At MediaScope, we have always been honored to serve Jordan’s ICT market, through this publication, and through our other activities for the sector including the Jordan Web Awards (organized four times between 2007 and 2010) and the Jordan App & Web Awards / JAWA organized in 2015.
There will also be more ICT-related activities and services to come from MediaScope. We hope you benefit from this publication and we look forward to receiving your feedback.
Who’s Who in Jordan’s Information & Communication Technology (ICT) 2016 available online at:
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Who's Who in Jordan's Banking and Insurance 2015/2016 is the first English language directory of banking, insurance and financial services institutions in Jordan.
This website includes the contents of this book, published in October 2015.
Who’s Who in Jordan’s banking and Insurance 2015/2016 includes profiles of twenty two of Jordan’s leading intuitions in the banking and insurance sectors who participated in this publication by reserving detailed profiles.
These profiles are presented in a unique format that includes facts and figures about each institution’s facts and figures, services, profile text, summarized financial results, group companies and partners, plus names and photos of its board of directors and key persons. This publication also includes a comprehensive, summarized listing of all banks and insurance companies.
Who’s Who in Jordan’s Banking and Insurance 2015/2016 available online at:
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MediaScope is pleased to be the publisher of the first guide of it's kind; "Who’s Who in Jordan’s Energy, Water & Environment (EWE)."
The first edition, dated 2017, aims to provide a neat and comprehensive directory, in a new and modern format, covering these sectors. It will be published in cooperation with EDAMA Association.
Energy, Water and Environment companies participate in this book and website by reserving a Profile. The Profile can be One Page or Two Pages. It includes company profile text, company logo, company facts & figures, group company logos, certifications & awards, photos of projects, charts and key staff photos and names along with company contact information.
There will also be Project Sheets available (optional) which will include text and photos detailing projects of companies who have already reserved a profile page. Participants may also reserve Advertising pages in this publication. It is distributed free-of-charge, as part of a comprehensive distribution plan with relevant professional associations and societies at local, regional and international events. Copies will also be sent to the economic departments in Jordanian Embassies abroad, and to investment promotion and export development organizations for distribution. It will also be directly delivered to the CEOs and General Managers of Jordan’s top companies in all major sectors, in addition to a VIP list of decision makers in Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations.
MediaScope delivers a professionally produced and widely distributed publication, building on its years of previous successful publications in the Who’s Who Series for sectors including Banking & Insurance, Advertising & Media, Information & Communication Technology and Real Estate.
Who’s Who in Jordan’s Energy, Water & Environment 2017 will also be available online at:
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